International Bordeaux Neurocampus / BRAIN Conference

Application deadline: Friday, September 4, 2015

The second edition of the International Bordeaux Neurocampus - Brain Conferences is scheduled from September 30 to October 2, 2015. “ G l i S y n ” for “Astrocytes and microglia, key partners in synaptic transmission”, will focus on the possible partnership of two glial cells, astrocytes and microglia, in synaptic transmission. It will take place at the Institut d’Optique d'Aquitaine (a part of the Institut d'Optique Graduate School) at Talence, southwest of the famous city of Bordeaux, on the University campus of Bordeaux.

Although astrocytes and microglia share common features, the astrocyte and microglia fields are growing independently. The goal of this conference is to gather for the first time scientists from both fields. Three sessions will be dedicated to the influence of the two types of glial cells at the synapse during development, in adult physiology and in pathology.

Renowned Speakers will be there to brainstorm with more than 200 researchers, coming from all over the world. The scientific program of this meeting is based on plenary lectures made by world-class personalities. Several young scientists will be selected on their abstracts by the Scientific Committee to give a talk during the event. Poster sessions will also be organized for informal exchanges among participants. Finally, to stimulate discussion about the possible partnership of astrocytes and microglia in synaptic transmission, round tables will be organized at the end of each session.

An exhibition area will host industrial stands providing an excellent opportunity to interact with companies in different domains and familiarize themselves with the latest technological advances. Catering breaks will be in the exhibitors' area to favor contacts with delegates.

Invited Speakers

  • AUDINAT Etienne, Ecole Neurosciences Paris - FR
  • BESSIS Alain, IBENS Paris - FR
  • CARMIGNOTO Giorgo, Neuroscience Institute, National Research Council, Padova - IT
  • ESCARTIN Carole, MIRCen Fontenay-aux-Roses - FR
  • FREEMAN Marc, University of Massachusetts Medical School - US
  • GAN Wenbiao, Skirball Institute New-York - US
  • GROSS Cornelius, EMBL Monterotondo - IT
  • LAYE Sophie, NutriNeurO Bordeaux - FR
  • MARSICANO Giovanni, NeuroCentre Magendie Bordeaux - FR
  • OLIET Stéphane, NeuroCentre Magendie Bordeaux - FR
  • RANSOHOFF Richard, Lerner Research Institute Cleveland - US
  • ROBITAILLE Richard, Université de Montréal - CA
  • ROUACH Nathalie, Collège de France Paris - FR
  • RUSAKOV Dmitri, University College London - UK
  • SALTER Michael, University of Toronto - CA
  • STEVENS Beth, Children's Hospital of Boston - US
  • TREMBLAY Marie-Eve, University of Laval Québec - CA

Detailed program information can be found here.

To register, please click here.

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