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University of Geneva
Laboratory of Sensory Perception and Plasticity
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neuroscience
1 rue Michel-Seret
1211 - Geneva

+41 22 379 54-62

Job opportunities

Dr Alan Carleton
Flavour Perception Group
Neurosciences Fondamentales at Geneva

Research Area

How sensory processing is occurring into the brain and how to relate behavior to neuronal activities are key questions in neuroscience.
We propose to study the mechanisms controlling sensory perception and how different senses may interact together.
We would like to understand how sensory stimuli are coded by brain networks and how these representations may be influenced by experience, other sensory senses or modulatory brain centers.
In order to address these general questions, we propose to study chemical senses as model sensory systems.
Olfactory and gustatory systems are central to the behavior of rodents (animal models that we study), are highly plastic and largely modulated by the neuromodulatory brain centers.
Furthermore they are probably the senses most naturally interacting together in behaving animaIs especially during feeding behavior.
We propose to use a combination of genetic, electrophysiological, imaging and behavioral methods to study how flavor information is processed in the central nervous system as it moves from the periphery to higher areas of the brain.

Bathellier, B., Buhl, D.L., Accolla, R. and Carleton. A.(2008):Dynamic ensemble odor coding in the mammalian olfactorybulb: sensory information at different time scales..Neuron:57: 586-598
Accolla, R. and Carleton. A.(2008):InternaI body state influences topographical plasticity of sensory representations in the rat gustatory cortex..Proc. Nat. Acad. Sei USA:105: 4010-4015
Accolla, R., Bathellier, B., Petersen, C.C.H. and Carleton, A.(2007):DifferentiaI spatial representation oftaste modalities in the rat gustatory cortex..Journal of Neuroseience:27: 1396-1404
Bathellier, B., Van de Ville, D., Blu, T., Unser, M. and Carleton, A.(2007):Wavelet-basedmulti-resolution statistics foroptical imaging signaIs: application to automated detection of odour activated glomeruli in the mouse olfactory bulb..Neuroimage:34: 1020-1035
PALMA, V., LIM, D.A., DAHMANE, N., SANCHEZ, P., BRIONNE, T.C., HERZBERG, C.D., GITTON, Y., CARLETON, A., ALVAREZ-BUYLLA, A. and RUIZ I ALTABA, A.(2005):Sonic hedgehog controls stem cell behavior in the postnatal and adult brain..Development (2005), 132:335-344
LAGIER, S.*, CARLETON, A.* and Lledo, P.-M.(2004):Interplay between local GABAergic interneurons and relay neurons generates gamma oscillations in the rat olfactory bulb. (* equally contributed)..Journal of Neuroscience (2004), 24:4382-4392
ABRAHAM, N., SPORS, H., CARLETON, A., MARGRIE, T., KUNER, T. and SCHAEFER, AT.(2004):Maintaining accuracy at the expense of speed: stimulus similarity defines odor discrimination time in mice..Neuron (2004), 44:865-876
Carleton, A., Petreanu, L., Lansford, R., Alvarez-Buylla, A. and Uedo, P.-M.(2003):Becoming a new neuron in the adult olfactory bulb..Nature Neuroscience:6: 507-518

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