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The European Neuroscience Institute at University College London
Department of Physiology
Gower Street

WC1E 6BT - London
United Kingdom

+44 20 7679 6756
+44 20 7679 6878

Job opportunities

Dr Michael Häusser
Dendritic Physiology
The European Neuroscience Institute at University College London

Research Area

The Häusser group is studying how dendrites integrate the synaptic inputs that they receive and thus help to determine the input-output relationship of neurons in the mammalian brain.
Techniques used include patch-clamp recordings from dendrites; imaging calcium signals in dendrites and spines using two-photon laser-scanning microscopy; and recording from multiple synaptically connected cells.

London, M; Häusser, M(2005):Dendritic computation..Annu Rev Neurosci 28:503-32:
Chadderton P, Margrie TW, Häusser M(2004):Integration of quanta in cerebellar gra nule cells during sensory processing..Nature:856-60

Technical Expertise